Well-Being Coaching
If you are not sure where to start on your well-being journey, feeling stressed and overwhelmed, or struggling to make healthy choices, then consider making an appointment with a Well-Being Coach at ECU. Partner with a Well-Being Coach to seek self-directed, lasting changes that align with your values to enhance your overall well-being. At ECU, Well-Being Coaches honor that each client is an expert on their own life and will help you co-create a plan based on your own values and belief systems.
Sessions can help you focus on physical, social, financial, career, and community aspects of well-being to help chart a course to success both academically and personally. The program includes four complimentary sessions with a Well-Being Coach with hours that are flexible enough to fit into your schedule. Allow coaches to help you create and maintain a strong foundation for your health & well-being not just while you’re here at ECU, but for life.
If you are currently experiencing a crisis, visit the Urgent Support Services page.