Elements of Well-Being

Career Well-Being

The average person will spend 90,000 hours of their life at work, which is why it is important that your career, or sometimes referred to as purpose, is fulfilling. Career Well-Being is how you occupy your time and whether it is fulfilling.


To quickly assess your level of career well-being, think about whether you agree with the following statements:

  • I like what I do every day.
  • I learn or do something interesting each day.
  • I feel energized to go to work each day.


To improve your career well-being, try the following tips:

  • Develop a strengths-based mindset.
  • Spend time with those who cheer you on.
  • Blend work and play.


Maximize your Career Well-Being by:

  • Factoring in leadership. People don’t quit their jobs, they quit managers.
  • Leaning into your strengths every day.
  • Assess whether you have the tools and resources you need to be successful in your job.

You know you are there when you wake up in the morning looking forward to the opportunities in front of you that day.


Social Well-Being

Social well-being is about having strong and meaningful relationships in your life. Increased social well-being can fill your tank and positively affect your day-to-day interactions.



To assess your social well-being, try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Does someone in my life encourage me to be healthy?
  • Do I feel positively charged or drained after spending time with friends and family?
  • Do I feel heard and supported in my relationships?


To improve your social well-being, try the following tips:

  • Mix social time with physical activity.
  • Be social on your lunch break.
  • Recognize the people in your life who positively influence you.


Maximize your social well-being by:

  • Strengthen mutual connections in the workplace or in your classes.
  • Make an effort to reconnect with someone in your life.
  • Do random acts of kindness for others.

You know you are there when you wake up in the morning and express gratitude for the strong relationships you have in your life.

Financial Well-Being

Financial well-being means effectively managing your money and economic life. It’s about spending what you earn on what you find valuable and having enough money to do all that you want to do.


To assess your financial well-being, try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have enough money to do everything that I want to do?
  • In the last seven days, have I worried about money?
  • How comfortable do I feel planning, tracking, investing, and saving?


To improve your financial well-being, try the following tips:

  • Spend on experiences.
  • Establish default systems like automatic savings.
  • Tap into money-saving apps.


Maximize your financial well-being by:

  • Track expenses on paper or on a spreadsheet.
  • Set monthly goals and activity-based motivations in place to reach those goals.
  • Spend on others as well as yourself.


You know you are there when you wake up in the morning and look forward to the abundance you will receive that day. After all, thoughts become things.

Physical Well-Being

Physical well-being means that you have enough energy and health to get things done on a daily basis. This not only includes being physically active but also includes making positive food choices and being mentally clear and energized. It’s helpful to adopt behaviors that have long-term benefits.


To assess your physical well-being, try asking yourself the following questions:

  • In the past week, have I felt active and productive each day?
  • How would I rank my physical health on a scale of 1-10?
  • Do my daily behaviors energize me?


To improve your physical well-being, try the following tips:

  • Exercise or move at least 20 minutes a day.
  • Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • When making food choices and being active, set positive defaults to make decisions easier.


Maximize your physical well-being by:

  • Add a cup of fruit or vegetables to your plate each day.
  • Unplug before you unwind at night.
  • Have walking meetings at work.


You know you are there when you wake up in the morning with enough energy to do what you would like to do that day. 

Community Well-Being

Community well-being in its simplest terms is liking where you live and having a sense of engagement with others in your area. Having a strong sense of community and contributing to its success strengthens your ability to thrive!



To assess your community well-being, try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Is ECU the perfect place for me?
  • In the past year, have I been recognized for my contribution to my community?
  • Do I actively seek ways to improve my community?


To improve your community well-being, try the following tips:

  • Stay in the loop! Be aware of opportunities to serve your community.
  • Tell the people in your life about your interests and passions so they can help connect you with groups or organizations.
  • Openly share your experiences with others to encourage more community involvement.


Maximize your community well-being by:

  • Invite friends and family to join you in community-based activities.
  • Support local, small, or independent businesses in your area.
  • Donate any unwanted items or non-perishable foods.


You know you are there when you wake up in the morning and say confidently to yourself “it’s a great day to be a Pirate!”